Root Canal Treatment

What causes Root Canal Problems?

Each tooth has a nerve and blood vessel inside called the ‘pulp’. When a tooth is decaying or damaged, bacteria can enter the tooth and cause an infection in the pulp; killing nerves and causing intense pain. The bacteria can spread to the surrounding tissues and cause painful gum abscesses. Antibiotics can relieve pain however they cannot get rid of the source of infection.

Root Canal Therapy Benefits

If you’re struggling with bacteria infected decaying teeth, let our dental specialists at Krishna Dental Hospital help you professionally. There are many benefits associated with a root canal treatment such as:

  • Prevention of tooth loss
  • Restores the function of the tooth
  • Prevention of jawbone degeneration caused by tooth loss or infection
  • Improved overall dental health

Book an appointment today to get more information on the benefits and advantages of choosing a root canal treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Once an infection takes hold within a tooth, the most effective solution is to eliminate the affected nerve. This dental procedure, known as endodontics or root canal therapy, is carried out with the use of local anesthesia and typically spans over multiple visits.

The root canal treatment process entails the creation of an opening in the tooth and the removal of its innermost, soft core known as dental pulp. This pulp comprises connective tissue, nerves, and blood supply, which extends into the tooth's root. Following the extraction of the pulp and thorough bacteria cleansing, the void is filled and sealed. At Krishna Dental Hospital in Hyderabad, our dedicated team of dental professionals expertly performs root canal treatments, effectively restoring the functionality of your teeth. Furthermore, a root canal procedure can salvage a severely infected or damaged tooth, reviving its function and preserving oral health.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Step one: the tooth is isolated from the rest of the mouth with a rubber sheet, to prevent bacteria in saliva from infecting the tooth again during treatment. A small hole is made in the tooth to remove the infection and decay, a succession of very small files in increasing diameter is used until the tooth is clean.

Once the infected material is removed, the tooth is filled into a tapered shape with Gutta Percha - a latex derivative. The dead tooth remains in place but is no longer connected to the body’s blood supply, however in the future it will become dry and brittle. Hence the final stage of root canal treatment is to fit the tooth with a dental crown which helps seal the whole of the tooth and protect it against future decay/damage.

After Procedure Care

After Procedure Care

A root canal is a major procedure, which means feeling pain or discomfort after surgery is normal. The pain experienced after a root canal is usually mild and won’t require any heavy medication. Ask our dental specialists for medication you can take for pain management.

Avoid chewing on hard food immediately after the treatment. Prefer soft and easy to digest meals without spice or masala. The pain you feel should decrease as your tooth heals, however if you experience pain or swelling see one of our dentists immediately.

End-to-End Testing

How to prevent it?

  • Apart from maintaining good oral hygiene, the following precautions can be take to minimize your risk of developing a root canal infection.
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Flossing your teeth daily
  • Using a good quality toothpaste
  • Schedule a dental check-up every six months
  • Have your teeth professionally cleaned at least once a year

Why not a complete whole tooth removal?

Our holistic dentistry approach aims to save your natural teeth and avoid extractions. We suggest not removing the complete teeth as gaps left by missing teeth can cause teeth to tilt and over-erupt among other things apart from affecting bite.

What are the Risks?

As with any procedure, there are some risks and side effects associated with a root canal treatment such as tenderness in the tooth or area of infection. Post-procedure swelling or inflammation is normal and should eventually subside. However, if this persists the tooth might have to be examined by a specialist to rule out any re-infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us Today!

Krishna Dental Hospital stands as a trusted family dental clinic in Hyderabad, dedicated to delivering outstanding oral health care. From full-mouth rehabilitation and invisalign to general and emergency dental services, we are committed to enhancing the beauty and functionality of your teeth. For more information, contact us today or call us at 88868 45454.